COMP-IT has developed a software solution for keeping records of horses and equestrian club members. This software solution offers numerous possibilities that are necessary for running an equestrian recreation center. The application allows the management of the equestrian club to keep all important information regarding the placement, medical records and boarding of their horses electronically and to have them in one place. They can also monitor the state of debt and membership fees of their participants, at any moment the club’s management knows what the club’s accounting state is. All notifications regarding training and the training schedule are sent electronically via e-mail. All members have their own profile and access to the application at all times. Through their profiles, members can see all current training dates, register for the desired training, and view their debt balance.
The “Horses” software solution consists of the following functionalities:
Equestrian club codes: membership fees, employees, horse status, responsibilities, type of training, membership category, schedule, appointments, medical services, board, breeds, competition level
Horse entry – horse profile
Entry of horse placement
Horse competition rankings
Medical record of the horse
Horse boarding house
Entry of new members of the equestrian club
Profile of equestrian club members
Equestrian club member payment record
Record of indebtedness and reduction of membership fees
Records of members and their membership fees and liabilities
Horse authorization
Entering new trainings
Overview of training schedules and dates
Adding notes for workouts
Overview of members’ attendance at horse training sessions
Sending notifications to e-mails of equestrian club members
Registration of members for training
Various reports: list of completed trainings, analytical card of members, list of horses with authorized riders, list of fixed trainings per member, analytical card for training horses, list of trainings, medical items of horses
Statistical data: types of membership fees, competition level, number of training sessions for horses, state of member membership fees, weekly training attendance