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Web application Travel orders allows you to record travel orders, whether simple or complex. All the legal provisions are followed and implemented in the system. As a web module, it is available from various devices that have access to the Internet, without prior installation. All prescribed forms are available and are automatically filled based on the entered data (Official Travel Order Form, Form PN-4).

The calculation is done automatically based on the advance and cost information entered (where they are automatically calculated and, for example, the cost of using a private car). The application converts foreign currencies into Convertible Marks, based on the exchange rate for that day. As the system is automated, well-controlled, the error options are minimized, the process is accelerated, leading to savings in business.

Key features of the module:
• Tracking data on all employees and their travel orders;
• Every employee can enter information about his travel order, without having to enter it (record) or see information about travel orders of other employees;
• Search for travel orders by different criteria;
• Possibility to enter the amount of advance payment when creating a travel order before traveling;
• Defining the daily subsistence allowance for each country (possibility of entering and taxable subsistence allowance, if higher daily allowance);
• When entering a travel route, when selecting a country, the log information for that country is automatically filled;
• Costs are entered in the original currency and automatic conversion is made;
• Automatic calculation of daily subsistence allowance;
• Costing;
• It is possible to check the travel order at any time to see that a step is not omitted or that there is no inconsistency with respect to time and movement (marchers);
• Automatic calculation of travel orders with clear presentation of daily allowances, expenses, repayments or additional payments;
• Vehicle database.


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